Demri and her friend Mara Whelan by Randy E. Hall. Unknown details.
Demri and Mara were soul sisters, according to Mara.
Mara Whelan: “We have a moon that my kids know as a Demri moon – when it’s just a sliver of a fingernail of a crescent. That was her favorite time of the moon.”
“She was the most beautiful soul that ever existed. What I would do to feel her hand in mine again.”
“Layne got Sadie as a kitten from me. He always wanted to have a baby girl with Demri and name her Sadie. When Demri found out he had named his kitten that she was furious because that name was supposed to be reserved for the daughter that clearly they would never had. I am glad he didn’t wait to use the name.”
*All the information has been collected from the "Memories of Demri" document shared on google drive*
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