1990 - Demri by Krista

Demri Parrott photographed by Krista Kay, 1990.

Krista Kay: “Demri was fearless. Brash and confident. She said exactly what she thought. She also had some rough times and went down a heartbreaking road. She was beautiful and complicated, and unforgettable, and human".

Krista Kay: "
Behind the scenes photographing Demri. Vintage purse, cowboy boots, old suede jacket, thrift store psychedelic suitcase, ashtray, embroidered Indian Kaftan, Peace Heathens sticker, and a generously poured glass of red wine. Just two girls spending a bright, beautiful Seattle day making pictures. I was spellbound."

Photos and Memories from Krista Kay instagram account.

*The Seattle Peace Heathens Community Action Group in which Demri was in, was an activism group formed in 1988 Seattle, founded by Vivian McPeak. They would organise peace vigils to protest war or any other current events going on at the time. They were most known for their advocation for legalising marijuana and ended up being known for their annual Seattle Hempfests starting in 1991. They are still an active group.*
