1988 - Demri by Krista Kay

1988 - Demri modelling by Krista Kay in Wallingford, Washington.

Moya Grubbs: “She was the most bubbly person! She was so outgoing. She modeled for JCPenney (or Sears) while we were young and she went straight out on stage and modeled an outfit, stopped in the middle of the runway and said, ‘Yes! I got this in the children’s section!’. Everyone laughed at her confidence and humor. I loved her for that.” [2] 

Moya: “When she modeled at the mall she got her clothes from the kids section, and wasn't afraid to admit it!" [4]

Sources cited:
[2] Instagram: memoriesofdemri (no longer exists)
[4] Instagram: spiritofparrott
