
 Articles, biographies, magazine spreads, etc.

Demri mentioned in the May 4 1983 issue of The Artlington Times. Courtesy of Memories of Demri.


May 4 1983 - The Artlington Times (USA): “Arlington has reason for pride in state cultural fair”. 


October 1991 - Hustler (USA): Vol. 18, Iss. 4, Photography by: Cliff Feulner, “Brave Nude World”, pg. 30-32.

January 1992 - Penthouse (Spain): Iss. 166, Photography by: Cliff Feulner, “¡Que Bellas y que Bestias!”, pg. 86-96.

March 1994 - Penthouse (Spain): Iss. 192, Photography by: Cliff Feulner, “Sexo, Hoy”, pg. 38-48.

June 1994 - Penthouse (Spain): Iss. 195, Photography by: Cliff Feulner, “Sexo, Hoy”, pg. 74-84.  

June 1994 - Penthouse (USA): Vol. 25, Iss. 10, Photoraphy by: Cliff Feulner, “Fantasies of Fabiola”, pg. 45-54.

October 1994 - Penthouse (Spain): Iss 199, Photograpy by: Cliff Feulner, “Sexo, hoy”, pg. 72-81.

February 1995 - Penthouse (USA): Vol. 26, Iss. 6, Photography by: Cliff Feulner, “Feulner’s Fantasias”, pg. 123-131.

1996 - Penthouse (Germany): Photography by: Cliff Feulner.

February 1997 - Penthouse (USA):  Vol 28, Iss. 6. Photography by: Cliff Feulner, “Fear of Flying”, pg. 89-97.

Printed biographies 

De Sola, David (2015): Alice in Chains: The Untold Story. Thomas Dunne Books. 

Stacey, Ruth; Kay, Krista (2021): The Dark Room. Letters to Krista. Merseyside: The Knives Forks And Spoons Press.
